Worldwide Day of Genital Autonomy

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The World Wide Day of Genital Autonomy (WWDOGA) is a campaign day for the genital autonomy of children which has been initiated by the German "Facharbeitskreis Beschneidungsbetroffener im MOGiS e.V.". Since 2013, it is celebrated on each 7th of May. This date has been chosen because on May 7th, 2012, the District Court of Cologne (Germany) has judged for the first time in Germany, that the circumcision of male children is an assault.

The aim of the WWDOGA is to propagate the right of bodily integrity and sexual self-determination for all children all over the world.


Accompanying Events


In Germany, a Scientific Symposium took place one day earlier in Cologne, being organized by MOGiS e.V. and pro familia NRW.


In Germany, the WWDOGA was followed by a "Genital Autonomy" conference in the Haus der Jugend (Youth Hostel) in Frankfurt/Main.


  • Australia
  • Germany
    • The WWDOGA in Germany was accompanied by four in film and discussion events, where the films Circumcision by Ari Libsker, Hibos Lied - Weibliche Genitalverstümmelung und die Macht der Tradition by Renate Bernhard and Sigrid Dethlof, and the animated short film Hermes und Aphrodite by Gregor Zootsky were shown in Munich, Düsseldorf, Cologne, and Berlin.[1]
  • Great Britain
    • London: Intactivists from London demonstrated in the city with banners and info sheets.
  • USA
    • Cathedral City (California): On two days, films around the topic of circumcision were shown and discussed.
    • Charleston (WV): On the WWDOGA, the 3rd day of the Mid-Atlantic, White House & Ob-Gyn Circumcision Crisis Protests took place.
    • Denver: Intactivists demonstrated between California and Stout Street.
    • New York: Intactivists demonstrated peacefully against circmcision of children at the Union Square.[2]
    • San Francisco: The Bay Area Intactivists demonstrated in the streets.[3]


  • Germany
    • The WWDOGA in Germany was introduced by a press conference in Berlin on May 4th, and closed by a symposium Jungenbeschneidung in Deutschland - eine Bestandsaufnahme (Circumcision on boys in Germany - an inventory) at the university Düsseldorf on May 8th.
  • USA
    • Denver: Intactivists demonstrated between California and Stout Street.
    • Los Angeles: Genital Autonomy - America hosted films and discussions of the common ground surrounding non-therapeutic genital cutting of male, female, and intersex children.
    • San Diego: Intactivists demonstrated in front of the ACOG and informed the doctors about the harmful consequences of RIC.
    • San Francisco: The Bay Area Intactivists demonstrated in the streets.

List of Speakers at the WWDOGA in Cologne






Supporting Organizations






Great Britain






External Links