Worldwide Day of Genital Autonomy
The World Wide Day of Genital Autonomy (WWDOGA) is a campaign day for the genital autonomy of children which has been initiated by the German "Facharbeitskreis Beschneidungsbetroffener im MOGiS e.V.". Since 2013, it is celebrated on each 7th of May. This date has been chosen because on May 7th, 2012, the District Court of Cologne (Germany) has judged for the first time in Germany, that the circumcision of male children is an assault.
The aim of the WWDOGA is to propagate the right of bodily integrity and sexual self-determination for all children all over the world.
In 2014, a Scientific Symposium took place one day earlier in Cologne, being organized by MOGiS e.V. and pro familia NRW.
In 2015, the WWDOGA is followed by a "Genital Autonomy" conference in the Haus der Jugend (Youth Hostel) in Frankfurt/Main.
List of Speakers in 2015
- Guy Sinden, Droit au corps,
- Marilyn Milos, NOCIRC (USA)
- Ali Utlu, Facharbeitskreis Beschneidungsbetroffener at MOGiS e.V.
- Viola Schäfer, intaktiv e.V.
- Mina Ahadi, Zentralrat der Ex-Muslime (Germany)
- Christian Bahls, MOGiS e.V.
- Renate Bernhard, activist against (FGM), member of pro familia NRW
- Shemuel Garber, intaktiv e.V. (USA)
- Simon Zobel, (talking about "bodily diversity of sex development")
- Lena Nyhus, Intact Denmark
- Kaan Göctas (Istanbul)
List of Speakers in 2014
- Victor Schiering, Facharbeitskreis Beschneidungsbetroffener at MOGiS e.V.
- David Smith, NORM-UK
- Mohamed Louizi
- Viola Schäfer, Intaktiv e.V.
- Dr. Christoph Kupferschmid, BVKJ
- Mina Ahadi, Zentralrat der Ex-Muslime (Germany)
- Christa Müller, (I)NTACT
- Dr. Jérôme Segal, Universität Paris-Sorbonne
- Renate Bernhard, pro familia NRW
- Christian Bahls, MOGiS e.V.
List of Speakers in 2013
- Viola Schäfer, Intaktiv e.V.
- Mina Ahadi, Zentralrat der Ex-Muslime (Germany)
- Irmingard Schewe-Gerigk, TERRE DES FEMMES
- Alexander Bachl, Facharbeitskreis Beschneidungsbetroffener atMOGiS e.V.
- Bernd Kammermeier, gbs Rhine-Main (Germany)
- Dr. med. Wolfram Hartmann, BVKJ
- Christian Bahls, MOGiS e.V.
Supporting Organizations
- Bundesweiter Arbeitskreis Säkulare Grüne
- BVKJ - (Professional Association of Paediatricians (Germany))
- DAKJ - (German Academy for Childrens and Youth Medicine)
- Deutscher Frauenring - (German Women Circle)
- Facharbeitskreis Beschneidungsbetroffener - (Experts Circle of Circumcision Affected Ones) - at MOGiS e.V.
- Forum Männer - (Forum Men in Theory and Practice of Gender Relations)
- Giordano Bruno Foundation
- HVD - (German Humanists Union)
- IBKA - (International League of Non-religious and Atheists)
- Intaktiv
- MOGiS e.V. - A Voice for Affected Ones
- NetzwerkB - (Victim's Network of Gender-biased Violence)
- Partei der Humanisten (Humanists Party
- Piratenpartei - (Pirates Party)
- Pro familia NRW
- Schlupfwinkel e.V. Nuremberg
- TABU e.V.
- Zentralrat der Ex-Muslime - (Central Council of Ex-Muslims)
Great Britain
- Intact Denmark (Danmark)
- Just a snip (Danmark)
- Sexpo Foundation (Finland)
- Attorneys for the Rights of the Child, California (USA)
- Bay Area Intactivists (USA)
- Canadian Foreskin Awareness Project (Canada)
- Children's Health & Human Rights Partnership (Canada)
- Doctors Opposing Circumcision (USA)