Ulf Dunkel

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Ulf Dunkel 2011

Ulf Dunkel (* August 27, 1962 in Löningen, Germany) is a German intactivist who engages since Summer 2012 to outlaw the medically not indicated circumcision of boys. He is father of five children and Greens politician.


Alternative law draft amendment to § 1631 BGB

In October 2012 after a longer discussion with Volker Beck, Dunkel wrote an Alternative law draft amendment to § 1631 BGB. He presented this draft on the 34th Federal Delegates Conference of his Party, the German Greens, in November 2012 in Hannover (Germany). Together with all other requests of others on the topic circumcision, his draft suggestion was moved from the Conference to a so-called "Religion-political Commission". This commission didn't discuss the draft requests to date.

Party exclusion procedure discontinued

Because of his critical statements about the legitimation of German Circumcision law § 1631d BGB in many discussions, because of his burst of rage which he posted on Facebook after having watched the circumcision documentation film It´s A Boy!, and because of his "Poem about the abolishment of human rights for children in Germany", Dunkel was denounced by a person from Frankfurt/Main (Germany) in the media and in his party, which led to a party exclusion procedure. The Greens Executive Committee of Lower Saxony had requested Dunkel's exclusion of the party. In late February, 2014, Dunkel and his Executive Committee made a comparison, which waived the reproach of being anti-semitic and xenophobic. Dunkel confirmed that his statements in the circumcision debate in 2012 had served anti-semitic steretypes. He again dissociated himself strictly from anti-semitism and xenophobia. The regional party arbitral tribunal warned him because of these expressions. The proceeding was discontinued; revision was not allowed.

Charge rejected

In January 2013, the same person provided criminal complaint against Dunkel at the Prosecutor Oldenburg "on suspicion of sedition and of pretending a crime"[1] according to § 130 + 145 StGB and because of insulting according to § 185 + 186 StGB.

The procedure was stopped by the Prosecutor OL as being unfounded according to § 170 Abs. 2 StPO. The denouncer appealed a complaint against this, which was also dismissed by the General Prosecutor Oldenburg as unfounded. The complained offenses were not present. Dunkel had "just critized the untenable influence of the Jewish community or individuals of Jewish life in the legislative process"[2].

The GP OL practiced clear criticism of the objections of the denouncer: "As far as you try beyond the accused to prove Nazi agitation, your conclusions appear designed, such as the identification of utilizing the concept of German guilt in quotation marks with the denial of the Holocaust. [...] Your complaint is simply based on assumptions."[3]

Collective Cognitive Dissonance

In the circumcision debate 2012, Ulf Dunkel created the concept of Collective Cognitive Dissonance which describes the issue of cognitive dissonance for a group of persons, even existing over generations. The Circumpendium informs about this psychological phenomenon as follows:

It can frequently be found that the loss is denied, much as happens with the loss of other body parts. This denial can lead to fathers having their sons circumcised in order not to be reminded of their own loss. In this process, their own body is defined as "normal" and the foreskin redefined as a foreign object. Their own parents are seen as "good", so that this image is projected onto the circumcision their parents carried out as well, in order to keep the positive emotion intact. The father wants to be a "good" father later in life as well, and so, following an idealised image of his own parents, circumcision, which has been redefined as a "good thing", is passed on to his son by having him circumcised as well.[4][5]

Political Engagement

Ulf Dunkel still engages in his party for the integrity of all children, including as a member of the BAK Säkulare Grüne, through educational work and sharp criticism of the proponents of the circumcision law it in his party.


  1. Letter of the denouncer from 2013-01-12 to the Prosecutor OL
  2. Reply of the GP OL to the denouncer, 2013-08-02, page 4
  3. Reply of the GP OL to the denouncer, 2013-08-02, page 4
  4. van der Kolk BA. The compulsion to repeat the trauma: re-enactment, revictimization, and masochism. Psychiatr Clin North Am 1989;12(2):389-411.
  5. Goldman R. The psychological impact of circumcision. BJU Int 1999;83 Suppl. 1:93-103.