BirthKeeper Summit
The BirthKeeper Summit was founded by the Institute of Feminine Arts and Sciences and inspired by Jeannine Parvati Baker. They are co-sponsored by California Association of Midwives. A portion of its profits will go to training future midwives. They locate at Berkeley City College, 2050 Center Street, Berkeley, CA.
BirthKeepers guard our most precious birthright — being born healthy and loved into a flourishing and just world. The Birthkeepers respect and protect the relationships that support the life-giving capabilities of mothers who are birthing the future generations of happy, thriving humans, and Mother Earth who sustains and nourishes all life.
Their motto is: "Healing Birth is Healing our Earth".
From April 30 to May 3, 2015, they held their first summit with Plenary speakers and workshops on various topics around birth, midwifes, circumcision, and more.
See also
External links
Official website. Retrieved 16 September 2019
Facebook page. Retrieved 16 September 2019. (2015 Summit)
Facebook group. Retrieved 16 September 2019. (BirthKeepers)