Melanie Klinger
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Melanie Klinger (born 1981 in Munich, Germany) studied Social Work at the Munich University of Applied Sciences with a focus on Cultural Studies, after completing her nursing education.
As an intactivist, she regularly takes part in WWDOGA in Cologne.
Klinger, Melanie: Human Genital Alterations: Das Beschneidungsgesetz und die Soziale Arbeit [Human Genital Alterations: The Circumcision Law and Social Work] (German)
. (13 March 2019). Retrieved 28 November 2019.
Klinger M (2019): Intime Verletzungen: Weibliche und männliche Genitalbeschneidung - (K)ein unzulässiger Vergleich?!. [Intimate Injuries: Female and male genital circumcision - an/no invalid comparison?!] (German). 272 pages. ISBN 978-3-7497-3198-5.
External links
Facebook profile. Retrieved 30 November 2019.