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Ulf Dunkel

1,311 bytes removed, 11:14, 31 May 2018
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== Party exclusion procedure discontinued ==
The Greens Executive Committee of Lower Saxony had requested Dunkel's exclusion of the party. In late February, 2014, Dunkel and his Executive Committee made a comparison, which waived the reproach of being anti-semitic and xenophobic. Dunkel confirmed that his statements in the [[Circumcision Debate]] in 2012 had served anti-semitic steretypes. He again dissociated himself strictly from [[Anti-Semitism|anti-semitism]] and xenophobia. The regional party arbitral tribunal warned him because of these expressions. The proceeding was discontinued; revision was not allowed.<ref></ref>
== Charge rejected ==
In January 2013, the same person provided criminal complaint against Dunkel at the Prosecutor Oldenburg "on suspicion of sedition and of pretending a crime"<ref>Letter of the denouncer from 2013-01-12 to the Prosecutor OL</ref> according to § 130 + 145 StGB and because of insulting according to § 185 + 186 StGB.
The procedure was stopped by the Prosecutor OL as being unfounded according to § 170 Abs. 2 StPO. The denouncer appealed a complaint against this, which was also dismissed by the General Prosecutor Oldenburg as unfounded.<ref></ref> The complained offenses were not present. Dunkel had "just critized the untenable influence of the Jewish community or individuals of Jewish life in the legislative process"<ref>Reply of the GP OL to the denouncer, 2013-08-02, page 4</ref>.
The GP OL practiced clear criticism of the objections of the denouncer: "As far as you try beyond the accused to prove Nazi agitation, your conclusions appear designed, such as the identification of utilizing the concept of German guilt in quotation marks with the denial of the Holocaust. [...] Your complaint is simply based on assumptions."<ref>Reply of the GP OL to the denouncer, 2013-08-02, page 4</ref>
== Collective Cognitive Dissonance ==
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