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Ulf Dunkel

13 bytes added, 17:01, 31 May 2018
Party exclusion procedure discontinued
== Party exclusion procedure discontinued ==
The Greens Executive Committee of Lower Saxony had requested Dunkel's exclusion of the party. In late February, 2014, Dunkel and his Executive Committee made a comparison, which waived the reproach of being anti-semitic and xenophobic. Dunkel confirmed that his statements in the [[Circumcision Debate]] in 2012 had served anti-semitic steretypesunintendedly. He again dissociated himself strictly from [[Anti-Semitism|anti-semitism]] and xenophobia. The regional party arbitral tribunal warned him because of these expressions. The proceeding was discontinued; revision was not allowed.<ref></ref>
== Collective Cognitive Dissonance ==
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