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Circumcision advocate

5 bytes added, 03:30, 13 November 2021
Bullying techniques
* Attack ''ad hominem'', i.e. attack the discussion partner personally, not speaking about the topic (''ad rem'').
* Cite [[arguments pro circumcision]] that have long since been refuted.
* Claim that inactivists intactivists are not about children's rights.
* Claim that intactivists are pedophiles.
* Denounce inactivists to their employer/organization/party as [[Anti-Semitism club|anti-Semites]], etc.
* Give names.
* Insist on [[arguments pro circumcision|circumcision myths]] which are already debunked and refuted by science or testimonies.
* Call [[intactivism ]] a "cult", a "crazy world" or even a "mental disorder".
* Ridicule all arguments of the opponent, without counter arguments.
* Send death threats.

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