Bodily Integrity and the Politics of Circumcision

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Book Data
Title Bodily Integrity and the Politics of Circumcision
SubtitleCulture, Controversy, and Change
AuthorDenniston / Grassivaro Gallo / Hodges / Milos / Viviani
Pages 270
Format16x24 cm
First Edition2006

Bodily Integrity and the Politics of Circumcision is a book by George C. Denniston, Pia Grassivaro Gallo, Frederick M. Hodges, Marilyn Fayre Milos, and Franco Viviani.


Every year 13.3 millions boys and 2 million girls are subjected to circumcision, the involuntary removal of part or all of their external sex organs.

Bodily Integrity and the Politics of Circumcision illuminates the vulnerability of human society to medical, economic, and historical pressures. It provides a much-needed, thoughtful, and detailed analysis of the devastating impact of circumcision on bodily integrity and human rights, and it provides hope for change.

Table of contents

  • Circumcision as a Memeplex
Hugh Young, Pages 1-16
  • The Life of the Flesh is in the Blood: The Meaning of Bloodshed in Ritual Circumcision
Leonard B. Glick, Pages 17-36
  • Zipporah and the Bridegroom of Blood: Searching for the Antecedents of Jewish Circumcision
Nansi S. Glick, Pages 37-47
  • At the Roots of Ethnic Female Genital Modification: Preliminary Report
Pia Grassivaro Gallo, Eleanora Tita, Franco Viviani, Pages 49-55
  • Psycholinguistic Approaches to Ritual Labia Minora Elongation Among the Baganda Women of Uganda
Elisabetta Villa, Pia Grassivaro Gallo, Pages 57-64
  • Graphic Reproduction of Genital Stretching in a Group of Baganda Girls: Their Psychological Experiences
Pia Grassivaro Gallo, Elisabetta Villa, Fabiola Pagani, Pages 65-84
Stella Lineri, Chiara Rauhe, Pia Grassivaro Gallo, Pages 85-91
  • Female Genital Mutilation Among African Immigrants in Greece: The First Cognitive Study
Pia Grassivaro Gallo, Anna Iordanidou, Franco Viviani, Pages 93-102
Pia Grassivaro Gallo, Lara Franco, Lisa Rivaroli, Pages 103-115
  • Research Center for Preventing and Curing FGM and Its Complications
Abdulcadir Omar Hussen, Pages 117-122
  • Preliminary Research Into the Psycho-Sexual Aspects of the Operation of Defibulation
Saulo Sirigatti, Lucrezia Catania, Sara Simone, Silvia Casale, Abdulcadir Omar Hussen, Pages 123-132
  • Addressing Female Genital Mutilation in Germany: The Work of the Women's Rights Organization Terre des Femmes and the Situation in Germany
Petra Schnuell, Gritt Richter, Claudia Piccolantonio, Pages 133-140
  • Male Circumcision in Italy
Franco Viviani, Gian Luca Costardi, Lisa Capparotto, Pia Grassivaro Gallo, Pages 141-147
  • Genital Integrity and Gender Equity
J. Steven Svoboda, Pages 149-164
  • Increasing Awareness of Iatrogenic Damage Consequent to Male Circumcision
Jim Bigelow, R. Wayne Griffiths, Pages 165-17
  • A Survey of Subjective Foreskin Sensation in 600 Intact Men
Peter J. Ball, Pages 177-188
  • Human Rights Advances in the United States
George C. Denniston, Pages 189-201
  • Toward Regulation of Non-Therapeutic Genital Surgeries Upon Minors: A Preliminary Legal Strategy
John V. Geisheker, Pages 203-217
  • Strategies for Litigation
David J. Llewellyn, Pages 219-232
  • Of Waste and Want: A Nationwide Survey of Medicaid Funding for Medically Unnecessary, Non-Therapeutic Circumcision
Amber Craig, Dan Bollinger, Pages 233-246
  • A Campaign for the Eradication of Infibulation Within an Extended Family: Khartoum, Sudan
Nagla Dawelbait, Pia Grassivaro Gallo, Marianna Pappalardo, Pages 247-260

External links