ברית מילה-כל האמת הנסתרת-לקט נבחר CIRCUMCISION

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ברית מילה-כל האמת הנסתרת-לקט נבחר CIRCUMCISION (Circumcision - the whole hidden truth - a selected collection) is a Facebook community of mainly Israeli or Hebrew speaking Diaspora members.

Their Facebook group offers a selection of excellent articles and videos of all time in the Hebrew language on the topic of "circumcision". Here you will learn about the irreparable harm done to the baby / boy / man / spouse by circumcision, due to the delectable genital mutilation of the foreskin. It is a barbaric, cruel, indiscriminate and unnecessary resection designed to suppress a man's sexual desire under the guise of a mitzvah.

The group has been founded on 16 January 2015 and is publicly visible on Facebook with +750 members to date.


Foreskin resection = clitoral resection.
– ברית מילה-כל האמת הנסתרת-לקט נבחר CIRCUMCISION

See also

External links