Beyond the Bris
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Beyond the Bris was launched by Rebecca Wald in 2010 to spark debate, to connect fellow Jewish circumcision critics, and to provide a forum for the diverse chorus of voices wishing to speak on this issue.
Beyond the Bris is a unique forum for Jewish people who question male infant circumcision. They also reject female circumcision and "normalization" surgery for intersexuality, when these operations are performed on non-consenting * infants and children.
Contributing Writers
- Natalie Bivas
- Jonathan Friedman
- Ronald Goldman
- Karen Isskenderov
- Emily Kapit
- Shea Levy
- Mark Morris
- Lisa Braver Moss
- Karen Ranzi
- Molly McFly
- Mark Reiss
- Sarah Rockwell
- Moshe Rothenberg
- Eran Sadeh
- Richard Schwartzman
- Amy Soule
- Shawn Stark
- Diane Targovnik
- Eliyahu Ungar-Sargon
- Francelle Wax
See also
External links
Official website. Retrieved 16 September 2019
Facebook page. Retrieved 16 September 2019.