Nebraskans Against Circumcision * Intact Nebraska

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Nebraskans Against Circumcision * Intact Nebraska is a Facebook intactivists page with reference to Intact Nebraska.

Nebraskans Against Circumcision * Intact Nebraska is a section of Saving Our Sons and The Intact Network, sharing research-based information on intact care, development, circumcision, and foreskin restoration.


They believe that all human beings, regardless of age, sex, gender, ethnicity, size, background, family, or ability to defend themselves, come into this world with the basic human right to genital autonomy. That is: to make personal decisions about what happens to our genitals in absence of medical necessity. They are defending One Body.


Nebraskans who are opposed to male genital mutilation (MGM) commonly known as circumcision, which is routinely forced upon babies against their will and without painkillers. Circumcision removes the protective foreskin that covers the glans penis.
– Nebraskans Against Circumcision * Intact Nebraska

See also

External links