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{{Construction Site}}
'''Blogs''' and other sources of information on other websites regarding [[human rights]], [[genital autonomy]], [[genital integrity]], male [[circumcision]], and other such matters are listed on this page.
'''Blogs''' and other sources of information regarding male circumcision are listed on this page.
{| class="wikitable sortable"
! IntactiWiki article !! Blog URL
| [[15 Square]] || https://15square.org.uk/
| [[Attorneys for the Rights of the Child]] || http://arclaw.org/rss.xml
| [[Beyond the Bris]] || http://www.beyondthebris.com/
| [[Bloodborne HIV: Don't Get Stuck!]] || http://dontgetstuck.org
| [[Canadian Children's Rights Council]] || https://canadiancrc.com/Circumcision_Genital_Mutilation_Male-Female_Children.aspx
| [[Catholics Against Circumcision]] || http://www.catholicsagainstcircumcision.org/
| [[Children's Health and Human Rights Partnership]] || http://chhrp.org/
| [[Choose Intact]] || http://www.chooseintact.com/
| [[Circumcision Diaries]] || http://circumcisiondiaries.blogspot.com/
| [[Circumcision Information Australia]] || http://www.circinfo.org/index.php
| [[Circumstitions News]] || http://circumstitionsnews.blogspot.com/
| [[CircWatch]] || http://circwatch.org
| [[Doctors Opposing Circumcision (D.O.C.)]] || https://www.doctorsopposingcircumcision.org/
| [[Dr. Momma - peaceful parenting]]) || http://www.drmomma.org/
| [[Foregen]] || http://www.foregen.org/
| [[Foreskin Revolution]] || https://www.foreskinrevolution.com/
| [[Genital Autonomy]] || https://www.genitalautonomy.org/
| [[Genital Autonomy America]] || http://www.gaamerica.org/
| [[Genital Integrity Policy Statement]] (2008) || https://www.i2researchhub.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/GenitalIntegrityStatement.pdf
| [[HIV in Kenya]] || http://hivinkenya.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
| [[ICGI]] - [[International Coalition for Genital Integrity]] || http://www.icgi.org/
| [[Intact America]] || https://intactamerica.org/
| [[Intaction.org]] || https://intaction.org/
| [[Intactivists.blogspot.com]] || http://intactivists.blogspot.com/
| [[Joseph4GI]] - [[The Angry Intactivist]] || http://joseph4gi.blogspot.com/
| [[Male Circumcision and HIV]] || http://www.circumcisionandhiv.com/
| [[Men Do Complain]] || http://www.mendocomplain.com/
| [[NOCIRC]] publications || http://www.nocirc.org/publish/
| [[Nurses for the Rights of the Child]] (NRC) || http://childrightsnurses.org/index.php/
| [[Peaceful Parenting]] feeds || http://feeds.feedburner.com/PeacefulParenting
* [http://www.nocirc.org/publish/ NOCIRC publications]
<!-- * [http://shouldicircumcise.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default] -->
* [http://www.gaamerica.org/ Genital Autonomy America]
* [https://www.doctorsopposingcircumcision.org/ Doctors Opposing Circumcision]
* [https://intactamerica.org/ Intact America]
* [http://arclaw.org/rss.xml Attorneys for the Rights of the Child]
<!-- {{REF}} -->
<!-- {{REF}} -->
[[Category:Male circumcision]]
[[Category:From IntactWiki]]
[[Category:From IntactWiki]]

Latest revision as of 08:38, 23 October 2022

Blogs and other sources of information on other websites regarding human rights, genital autonomy, genital integrity, male circumcision, and other such matters are listed on this page.

External links

IntactiWiki article Blog URL
15 Square https://15square.org.uk/
Attorneys for the Rights of the Child http://arclaw.org/rss.xml
Beyond the Bris http://www.beyondthebris.com/
Bloodborne HIV: Don't Get Stuck! http://dontgetstuck.org
Canadian Children's Rights Council https://canadiancrc.com/Circumcision_Genital_Mutilation_Male-Female_Children.aspx
Catholics Against Circumcision http://www.catholicsagainstcircumcision.org/
Children's Health and Human Rights Partnership http://chhrp.org/
Choose Intact http://www.chooseintact.com/
Circumcision Diaries http://circumcisiondiaries.blogspot.com/
Circumcision Information Australia http://www.circinfo.org/index.php
Circumstitions News http://circumstitionsnews.blogspot.com/
CircWatch http://circwatch.org
Doctors Opposing Circumcision (D.O.C.) https://www.doctorsopposingcircumcision.org/
Dr. Momma - peaceful parenting) http://www.drmomma.org/
Foregen http://www.foregen.org/
Foreskin Revolution https://www.foreskinrevolution.com/
Genital Autonomy https://www.genitalautonomy.org/
Genital Autonomy America http://www.gaamerica.org/
Genital Integrity Policy Statement (2008) https://www.i2researchhub.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/GenitalIntegrityStatement.pdf
HIV in Kenya http://hivinkenya.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
ICGI - International Coalition for Genital Integrity http://www.icgi.org/
Intact America https://intactamerica.org/
Intaction.org https://intaction.org/
Intactivists.blogspot.com http://intactivists.blogspot.com/
Joseph4GI - The Angry Intactivist http://joseph4gi.blogspot.com/
Male Circumcision and HIV http://www.circumcisionandhiv.com/
Men Do Complain http://www.mendocomplain.com/
NOCIRC publications http://www.nocirc.org/publish/
Nurses for the Rights of the Child (NRC) http://childrightsnurses.org/index.php/
Peaceful Parenting feeds http://feeds.feedburner.com/PeacefulParenting