Medical literature about foreskin restoration

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This page collects and indexes medical literature about foreskin restoration. This page does not include material from ancient times.



Foreskin restoration may be done surgically or non-surgically by tissue expansion. Also, foreskin regeneration is under development.

Relatively little medical literature regarding foreskin restoration for circumcised men exists. The reasons for this are two-fold:

Surgical foreskin restoration

Surgical foreskin restoration was developed earlier than non-surgical foreskin restoration.


Non-surgical foreskin restoration

Non-surgical foreskin restoration is accomplished by stimulating mitosis in the residual tissue to cause tissue expansion.


Foreskin regeneration

Foreskin regeneration is a relatively new and experimental procedure, which Foregen is attempting to develop. The publications to date have been limited. The available articles report on the development of a procedure, not the actual performance of foreskin regeneration, which has not been done as of June 2024.


See also