Robert S. Van Howe

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Robert Storms Van Howe, M.D.[a 1], M.S.[a 2], F.A.A.P.[a 3], is a pediatrician, professor of medicine, and author from Marquette, MI, USA.



(The following text or part of it is quoted from the free Wikipedia article Robert Van Howe:)

Van Howe's research includes a study published in 2007 in BJU International. The study reported that the five most sensitive points on the human penis were all in areas of it that are removed by circumcision[1] and that intact men's penises were four times more sensitive, on average, than were those of circumcised men. Critics of this study have noted that it was funded by the National Organization of Circumcision Information Resource Centers (NOCIRC), an anti-circumcision activist group. Van Howe maintains that this funding did not bias his study, telling ABC News, "The study was based on an objective finding" and "There's no way you can change what a person felt or didn't feel."[2]

Award for intactivism

Van Howe was chosen "Intactivist of the Month" by Intact America.

Standard work


See also

External links


  1.   Doctor of Medicine, Wikipedia. Retrieved 14 June 2021. In the United Kingdom, Ireland and some Commonwealth countries, the abbreviation MD is common.
  2.   Master of Science, Wikipedia. Retrieved 13 October 2021. (Latin: magisterii scientiae; also abbreviated MS, MSc, M.Sc., SM, S.M., ScM or Sc.M.)
  3. Fellow in the American Academy of Pediatrics


  1.   (25 April 2007)."Does circumcision harm your sex life?", New Scientist. Retrieved 12 September 2017.
  2.   ABC News (2 August 2007)."Study: Circumcision Doesn't Reduce Sexual Sensation". Retrieved 12 September 2017.