Foreskin restoration information for circumcised teens

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This article, “Foreskin restoration information for circumcised teens”, is intended to provide information to teen-age boys who were circumcised without their consent and who would not have chosen to be circumcised.

Circumcision requires someone to grant consent. The medical profession traditionally has allowed a parent to serve as a surrogate to provide consent for a child who is not old enough to grant consent for himself. There are unsettled questions about whether this is lawful in the case of unnecessary non-therapeutic circumcision.

Parents may choose circumcision for a son because their religion requires it, because it is popular in the United States, because they believe it is cleaner and healthier, or most frequently simply because the father was circumcised when he was a boy.

You may have noticed that some of your school mates may have a foreskin on their penis, although your penis is missing its foreskin. The condition of having a foreskin is called foreskinned or intact, while the condition of not having a foreskin is called circumcised’’.

If you did not choose to be circumcised, then this information may be of interest to you.

What you get

There are some advantages to having a foreskin. The human foreskin was developed by evolution over a very long time. It has beneficial protective and sexual functions. Most guys believe that a penis with a restored foreskin is much better than a circumcised penis, but not as good as a penis with a natural foreskin. The nerves in the restored foreskin are not as good as the nerves in the natural foreskin so there is somewhat less sensation. There are a few men who were circumcised after they were sexually active adults. They became regret men and decided to restore their foreskin. They estimate that they got back about 80 percent of their lost erogenous sensation through foreskin restoration.


The major disadvantage of starting foreskin restoration is that it is a long-term process that takes several years to see results. There is no cost involved in manual stretching, but if one wants to purchase a restoration device then there are some costs involved.

Forming a new foreskin

It is possible to form a missing foreskin by stretching the residual shaft skin of one’s penis. Regular stretching will cause the skin cells to split into two cells (in a process called “mitosis”, which causes more skin to exist. If one does this several times daily, eventually the residual shaft skin of the penis will elongate, fold over, and form a new foreskin. This process is called “non-surgical foreskin restoration”. It is a slow process that takes several years, so it may be best to start when one is young, to allow more years in which to enjoy one’s restored foreskin. The pulling and stretching of the residual shaft skin is usually called “tugging”.

Non-surgical foreskin restoration can be done by teen guys. There is no minimum age for foreskin tugging. Reports indicate that it has been done as young as age 13. Some believe that the skin expands faster when one is young because there is more growth hormone in one’s body, however there does not appear to be any scientific proof for this belief.

Non-surgical foreskin restoration is a generally safe activity. The major risk appears to be minor skin irritation that may be relieved by taking a break of several days from tugging.


When one is young and still living at home with parents, there are special challenges.

One must decide whether to disclose one’s intent to restore one’s foreskin to one’s parents. Non-surgical foreskin restoration is entirely a private matter that should be of interest only to the owner of the penis, so one has no obligation to disclose one’s decision to restore to anyone.

Parents grant surrogate consent for circumcision of infant boys, so some parents may object or take offense to a son’s decision to restore.

One may not want parents, who granted consent for circumcision, to know that one would like to undo the circumcision. If that is the case, then manual stretching may be done with one’s fingers. There is no device or other evidence for one’s mother to find.

Tugging may be carried out in the privacy of one’s bedroom or bathroom and should not come to the attention of one’s parents.

Some boys enjoy an open relationship with one’s parents in regard to sexual matters, but others do not. It is your decision whether to inform your parents of your decision.