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Circumcised doctors

8 bytes added, 12:17, 10 June 2022
'''Circumcised doctors''' are male doctors who were [[circumcised ]] as infants, so they lack any personal knowledge and experience of a normal male body part – the [[foreskin]] of a normal, complete, functional [[penis]]. Circumcised doctors, as compared with [[intact]], [[foreskinned]] doctors tend to be highly [[Bias| biased]] in favor of non-therapeutic infant [[circumcision]].
Circumcised doctors are more likely to give poor advice on the care of intact boys.
* Stein et al. (1982) sent out questionnaires regarding circumcision practice to medical doctors in San Diego, California. The questionnnaire included questions about personal circumcision status. The authors reported:
Older and [[circumcised ]] physicians were more likely than either younger or uncircumcised physicians to maintain a positive attitude about routine neonatal circumcision. Although the number of female physicians in this study was limited, they were less likely than male physicians to favor circumcision.<ref name="stein1982">{{REFjournal

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