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- "Hey LLL: Circumcision Affects Breastfeeding! Tell moms the truth!"
- "Kinderrechte, wir geben niemals auf"
- (Un)cut - Jeffrey Braverman
- (chronological) Intactivist literature
- 0:25 / 12:15 The BEST Foreskin Restoration Method (and why you should restore)
- 100 % Mensch – Liebe Recht Respekt
- 13th International Symposium
- 15 Square
- 16x9 - Foreskin Restoration
- 20,000 nerve endings
- 2012-12-12
- 2014 AAP Convention Protest in San Diego
- 2015 AAP Convention Protest
- 2016 AAP Convention Protests
- 2017 AAP Convention Protests
- 2017 ACOG Circumcision Protests
- 2018 ACOG Circumcision Protests
- 2019 Heartland Circumcision Crisis Protests
- 2019 Rocky Mountain Circumcision Crisis Protests
- 2019 Southern Universities Circumcision Crisis Protests
- 2019 Super Bowl & Georgia Circumcision Crisis Protests
- 2020 Southern Florida Circumcision Crisis Protests
- 2020 USA & Canada Circumcision Crisis Protests
- 2020 West Coast Circumcision Crisis Protests
- 2021 Pennsylvania Circumcision Crisis Protests
- 2022 Southwest Circumcision Crisis Protests
- 3rd sex
- 5-alpha-reductase deficiency
- 50501 - 50 States, 50 Protests, 1 Day
- 50 States
- A.I.M. - Alabama's Intact Movement
- AAP Circumcision Task Force 1999
- AAP Circumcision Task Force 2012
- AAP Circumcision Task Force 2019
- AAP Convention Protest
- AAP National Conference and Exhibition
- ABC: Profiles of two women with AIS
- ABC News: Intersex Children: Waiting to Decide on Sex Surgery?
- ACOG Annual Clinical Meeting Protest
- AHA Foundation
- AIC's Free to Be Festival 2011 clip
- AIDS-Free World
- AIDS Free World
- AIGA Inc.
- ARCLaw
- ARC – Attorneys for the Rights of the Child
- AWE: Alaska Whole Equality
- AZIS ~ Arizona's Intact Sons
- A Perfect Baby IS a Foreskinned Baby
- A Pinch of Skin
- A Surgical Temptation
- A surgical temptation
- Aaron David Cohen
- Aaron Goldstein
- Aaron J. Fink
- Aaron Jesin
- Aaron Tobian
- Abbie Chessler
- Abbotsford Circumcision Resources
- Aborigines
- Abraham Geiger
- Abraham L. Wolbarst
- Abraham Ravich
- Abrahamic covenant
- Accord Alliance
- AccuCirc
- Accucirc
- Acorn
- Acorn Society
- Acroposthion
- Activist Lloyd Schofield debates Fox's Megyn Kelly on San Francisco circumcision ban
- Acucullophilia
- Adam Zeldis
- Adamant father syndrome
- Adelaide Circumcision Resources
- Adeolu O. Obatayo
- Adolescent and adult circumcision
- Adrian C. Sheen
- Adrian Colesberry
- Adrian Mindel
- Adrienne Carmack
- Adult circumcision
- Adult male circumcision with the shang ring
- Advanced Devices, Inc.
- Advanced Tissue Sciences
- Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)
- Advocates for Informed Choice
- Advocates for informed choice
- Aesthetic labiaplasty
- Afar tribe: female circumcision
- Africa - Stop Circumcision
- Africa Dolce E Selvaggia - Male Circumcision
- African Circumcision
- African Voices Against Circumcision-AVAC
- Afua A.J. Hesse
- Aivar Bracka
- Ajax Circumcision Resources
- Akron Circumcision Resources
- Aktion Regen
- Aktion Regen - Verein für Entwicklungszusammenarbeit
- Aktion Regen Verein für Entwicklungszusammenarbeit
- Al Jazeera American News: The difficult decision for parents of intersex children
- Alan Cumming
- Alan F. Guttmacher
- Albanian circumcision
- Albany Circumcision Resources
- Albuquerque Circumcision Resources
- Alex D. Wodak
- Alex Myers
- Alex Wodak
- Alexander Bachl
- Alexander Monsanto
- Alexandra Edellglass Stockwell
- Alexandre Rotta
- Alexithemia
- Alfonso Cepeda-Emiliani
- Alfred Schram
- Algerian circumcision
- Ali Ertan Toprak
- Ali Utlu
- Alicia Bennetts
- Alicia Keys
- Alicia Silverstone
- All Mammals Have Foreskin
- Allan F. Guttmacher
- Alleged reasons for circumcision
- AlloDerm
- Alon Sivroni
- Alternative law draft amendment to § 1631 BGB
- Am Yisrael Renounce Genital Mutilation
- Amanda B. Young
- Amanda Kennedy
- Amanda Morse
- Amarillo Circumcision Resources
- Amber Craig
- Ambiguous genitalia
- Amen Ronald Oberhollenzer-Paternoster
- American Academy of Family Physicians
- American Academy of Pediatrics
- American Association for the Study and Prevention of Infant Mortality
- American Circumcision
- American Circumcision Resources
- American Circumcision of Males and Females
- American Civil Liberties Union
- American College of Nurse-Midwives
- American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
- American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
- American Female Genital Mutilation
- American Hero Fights Sex Crime
- American Secret
- American Urological Association
- American secret
- American urologists and the practice of male circumcision
- Americans Against Routine Infant Circumcision
- Amputation
- Amy Soule
- Amy Wright Glenn
- An Elephant in the Hospital
- An experienced foreskin restorer discusses foreskin restoration
- An experienced foreskin restorerer discusses foreskin restoration
- Anatomy of the Penis: Penile and Foreskin Neurology
- Anchorage Circumcision Resources
- Andrea Music
- Andreas Manok
- Andrew Freedman
- Andrew Gordon Little
- Andrew Gross
- Andrew Li
- Andrew Little
- Andrew S. Kohler
- Andrew Yang
- Androgen insensitivity syndrome
- Angel Money
- Angela Saltalamacchia
- Angelika Bergmann-Kallwass
- Angélique Kidjo
- Animated Anatomy of the Clitoris
- Ann-Marlene Henning
- Ann Arbor Circumcision Resources
- Anna Freud
- Anna Taddio
- Anne Briggs
- Anne Tamar-Mattis
- Annie Lennox
- Anonymous ForeSec
- Anonymous case reports
- Another American circumcised woman
- Anthony Dilley
- Anthony Fauci
- Anthony Losquadro
- Anthony Pickett
- Anti-Circumcision Australia
- Anti-Semitic
- Anti-Semitism
- Anti-Semitism club
- Anti circumcision
- Antisemitism
- Antisemitism club
- Antisemitism in Intactivism
- Antony Lempert
- Apligraf
- Aposthia
- Appeal to debate on circumcision
- Application of Health Standards in Traditional Circumcision Act
- Arguments pro circumcision
- Ari Libsker
- Arianna
- Arif Bhimji
- Arleen Leibowitz
- Art. 10 BV
- Art. 11 BV
- Art. 122 StGB
- Art. 123 StGB
- Art. 124 StGB
- Art. 127 StGB
- Art. 129 StGB
- Art. 140 GG
- Art. 14 UN-CRC
- Art. 15 BV
- Art. 18 UN-CRC
- Art. 19 UN-CRC
- Art. 1 GG
- Art. 24 UN-CRC
- Art. 2 GG
- Art. 2 UN-CRC
- Art. 30 UN-CRC
- Art. 33 GG
- Art. 39 UN-CRC
- Art. 3 GG
- Art. 3 UN-CRC
- Art. 4 GG
- Art. 6 GG
- Art. 6 UN-CRC
- Art. 7 BV
- Articles from CircLeaks
- Articles from IntactWiki
- Articles from Intactipedia
- As nature made him
- As nature made him: the boy who was raised as a girl
- Ashley Montagu
- Ashley Montagu Petition and Resolution
- Ashley Montagu Resolution
- Ashley Montagu on Penile Reduction Surgery
- Ashraf Saddik
- Asia's Whole Network
- Association for Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Health
- Association of Humanistic Rabbis
- Association of homosexuality with male circumcision
- Association of homosexuality with male circumcision.
- Association of male circumcision with homosexuality
- Atheist Refugee Relief
- Athol A. W. Johnson
- Athos Katelaris
- Atlanta Circumcision Resources
- Atlanta Intactivists
- Atlantic Provinces - The Whole Network
- Attached to Fore-skin
- Attachment of the foreskin
- Attorneys for the Rights of the Child
- Aubrey Terrón
- Auckland Circumcision Resources
- Audra Berger
- Augusta Circumcision Resources
- Austin Circumcision Resources
- Australasian Association of Paediatric Surgeons
- Australasian Institute for Genital Autonomy
- Australia
- Australia and circumcision
- Australian Circumcision
- Australian state codes
- Autocircumcision
- Avshalom Zoossmann-Diskin
- Avulsion
- Ayaan Hirsi Ali
- Ayanda Nqeketo
- Ayelet Elhanati
- B. Maurene White
- BLING! - Babies Left Intact 'N Georgia!
- BORN BETWEEN - The Nature of Intersex
- Babies Are Born Perfect; Keep Them That Way
- Baby who was born with two genitals
- Bailey
- Balanitis
- Balanitis xerotica obliterans
- Balanoposthitis
- Ballooning of the foreskin
- Baltimore Circumcision Resources
- Ban Infant Male Circumcision in the USA Now
- Barbara Amiel
- Barbara Kay
- Barrie Circumcision Resources
- Baruch Schiff
- Basics of foreskin restoration
- Baton Rouge Circumcision Resources
- Bay Area Birth Justice Forum Fall 2013
- Bay Area Birth Justice Forum Fall 2013. Hida Viloria educates on intersexuality
- Bay Area Intactivists
- Because Boys Deserve Better
- Becca Daley
- Bell1873
- Belle C. Eskridge
- Ben Affleck
- Ben Lewis
- Ben Shalem
- Benim Çüküm, Benim Kararim / Turks & Others Against Circumcision
- Benjamin E. Dawson
- Benjamin Lewis
- Benjamin Spock
- Bernd Kammermeier
- Bernhard Stier
- Berto Lopez
- Berto Lopez, M.D.
- Bertran Auvert
- Beschneidung stoppen
- Bessel van der Kolk
- Betty Katz Sperlich
- Beyond the Bris
- Bias
- Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
- Bill Clinton
- Bill Gates
- Bill Gates Foundation
- Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
- Billings Circumcision Resources
- Birmingham Circumcision Resources
- BirthKeeper Summit
- Bismarck Circumcision Resources
- Black and White
- Black and white