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We're adopting all articles from IntactWiki following an agreement with the IntactWiki editors to merge those articles into the IntactiWiki. Articles already done are indicated by a bullet. Links in italics are just redirections. All real articles from the IntactWiki get the Category:From IntactWiki assigned so far.


Articles collections (done)

1-0 (done)

A (done)







CIRCUMCISION: The Truth!! (I ? Foreskin)



Cameron Diaz talks circumcision

Canadian Foreskin Awareness Project

Cat II

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Cervical Cancer

Child Circumcision: An Elephant in the Hospital

Child Circumcision: Rites or Rights?

Children's Health and Human Rights Partnership

Children and Human Rights



Circum serum

Circumcision, the hidden trauma

Circumcision, the painful dilemma

Circumcision, the whole story

Circumcision: A history of the world's most controversial surgery

Circumcision: An American health fallacy

Circumcision: People Are Talking - Medical Historian Ed Wallerstein

Circumcision: The Unethical Commandment?

Circumcision: What it does

Circumcision & Human Rights - Morris L. Sorrells M.D.

Circumcision - Ari Libsker

Circumcision - Men Do Complain

Circumcision - Penis SensitivityTest

Circumcision - Your Legal Rights

Circumcision Animation

Circumcision Ban - Lloyd Schofield

Circumcision Botches

Circumcision Fetish

Circumcision Foundation of Australia

Circumcision Myths & Facts

Circumcision Prevalence

Circumcision Protest - Brother K's Story

Circumcision Study Flaws

Circumcision Uncut: Unabridged Stories Behind the Snip

Circumcision Video with Commentary

Circumcision and Sexual Function Difficulties

Circumcision and foreskin restoration

Circumcision compilation

Circumcision exposed: rethinking a medical and cultural tradition

Circumcision of female African teen

Circumcision protests in the 1990s

Circumcision resources channel

Circumcision scar removal

Circumcision story on 60 Mins

Circumcision suicide attempts

Circumcision video 1






Clitoral Unhooding video

Clitoris and the penis - differentiation

Clitoris and vagina - video

Companies that sell foreskin cells

Company Attempting To Regrow Foreskin Of Circumcised Men - Young Turks mention Foregen


Contributing to CircLeaks

Contributing to IntactWiki


Council of Europe Debate Genital Cutting Of Boys

Craig Ferguson on circumcision

Cross taping







J (done)

K (done)

L (done)


MC vs Aaronson

MIKE: I can only be myself

MacLean Conference 2014 - Paul Helft - "No More Circumcision"

Male genital mutilation ritual from Desmond Morris - The Human Sexes

Man raised as a girl after losing penis to circumcision commits suicide


Mani's story

Manual tugging

Marilyn Milos on the Front Lines - AAP Convention

Mario Lopez Condemns Circumcision - Howard Stern Show Feb 10, 2011

Marketing Circumcision - Lack of Ethics

Mbox templates/doc

Me, my sex and I

Meatal Stenosis

Meet TLC Tugger - foreskin restoration for the circumcised

Meet the men trying to regrow their foreskins

Megyn Kelly and Georganne Chapin debate circumcision

Men do complain

Message from Foregen's President - February 2015

Metzitzah b'peh & first sexual experience

Mexico Intacto

Miami - Wrongful circumcision

Middle Sexes - Redefining He and She

Mischief: Circumcise me?


Mom, I am circumcised

Mom, why did you circumcise me?


Morocco circumcision



Muslim girl mutilated by Egyptian barber


MySkin clamp


O (done)

P (done)

Q (done)

R (done)



TheDoctorsTV on Circumcision - a critique

The Centers for Disease Control

The Crawfords Speak About Groundbreaking Intersex Case

The Cut - Documentary - Female Genital Mutilation/ Cutting (FGM/C) In Kenya (2009)

The Female Reproductive System

The Foreskin: 15 Square Inches of Erogenous Tissue

The Gender Puzzle

The Good Mommy's Guide to her Little Boy's Penis

The Great Wall of Vagina Exhibition

The History of Circumcision in the Western World by Frederick Hodges, Ph.D

The Intact Network

The Interface Project

The Labiaplasty Fad

The National Insitute of Health

The National Insitutes of Health

The National Institute of Health

The National Institutes of Health

The Nurses of St. Vincent: Saying "No" to Circumcision

The Penis - Sex Education 101

The Perfect Vagina - Real Stories

The Psychology of Circumcision Communication & Social Change

The Question of Gender Identity. Nature vs Nurture - Dr. Milton Diamond with Irene Diamond

The Real Reason You're Circumcised - Adam Ruins Everything

The Right To Bodily Integrity - J. Steven Svoboda

The Social Misconstruction of Male Anatomy - Joe Rogan

The Unkindest Cut - Documentary

The Whole Network

The benefits of foreskin - Carlin Ross

The boy who was turned into a girl

The case against circumcision

The circumpendium

The cost of circumcision

The joy of being a boy

The joy of uncircumcising

The measure of his grief

The natural foreskin - retraction and frenulum

The perfect vagina

The rape of innocence

The rape of innocence (book)

The sorcerer's apprentice

The story of David Reimer -> David Reimer

They Cut Babies, Don't They?

U (done)

V (done)

W (done)

X (done)

Y (done)

IntactWiki categories (done)